Sunday, December 27, 2009

New Year "Dissolution"

What a month it has been really. exams, youth camp, carolling, catching up sessions, dinners, band prac. etc..

Its one of my favourite time of the year once again... the last few days of the year. Its the time when I usually sit down in front of my desk, with a pen in hand... jotting down some thoughts about the past year and making plans for the new.

this year has been an eventful year... i've been asked today to summarise how 2009 meant to me and i felt it was more of learning and growing in my dependence on God. When i do so i begin to see Him being in control, like being in the driving seat of my life....I don't like the feeling of waking up every morn panicking and not being able to thank God for the day, going through the motions or simply living out the day as though thinking I'm gonna live forever.

When i slowly learn to let go, i begin to see change. tangible ones too... subtle things that hinder me in my everyday life (eg: holding my breath) seem to slowly dissolve away.. Praise Him.

Even in service, I also constantly pray that I do not lose the joy and passion in serving Him in ministry... one brother encouraged me in his christmas card that said... God doesn't call the qualified, He qualifies the called. Indeed the flesh fails us time and time again but our big God is always working in and through us as we serve.

Thank God for friends and family too who stick and stand by me all the time, always praying and being concerned for my life. For we were never meant to live this life by ourselves, but keeping each other accountable as a community:)

Thank God for the gift of music too, that i can use it to serve Him and communicate with Him, impact another's life, be in a band, share and live out this passion with other like minded musicians.

There's still so many things that I need to learn in and from life, so many plans and dreams that have yet to come true, uncertainties, questions, and new things to discover... I'm excited yet fearful at the same time... not sure how things in my life will eventually be in time to come, which direction and step to take... its like stepping into the unknown. But I wanna continue choosing to trust myself into the hands of my loving God, the one who created me and promised a plan for me... promised me a hope and a future. Thank you for saving me!

Like Paul lets press on towards the goal to win the prize for which God has called you heavenward in Christ Jesus...

Having said that, cmon! lets usher in the new year together! :)

Thursday, December 24, 2009

matt 6:33

seek ye first the kingdom and righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Sch's out!

haven't really gotten the time to sit down on my desk once exams have ended!
but finally i'm here to blog again...


wah now its really time to start reading! woo just went to tecman today to do some christmas shopping. rocks!

watched a movie with pete today - zombieland. tho i dun really like the content of the movie.. though it had kind of a similar theme to the popular lan game - left for dead.

after that we went to cash converters to see if they sold ps3 (pete wanted to buy)... i FOUND 2 of TAO's OLD ALBUMS!!!!! rocks. so happy... been trying to find them in awhile!

quoting pete - "cash converters is a place where you pick up fruits which have already dropped on the ground!"

WOO thanks pete you certainly made my day!


Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Dangers of Prooftexting

Prooftexting is the practice of using decontextualised quotations from a document (often, but not always, a book of the Bible) to establish a proposition. Critics of the technique note that often the document, when read as a whole, may not in fact support the proposition.

Ministers and teachers have used the following humorous anecdote to demonstrate the dangers of prooftexting:

A man dissatisfied with his life decided to consult the Bible for guidance. Closing his eyes, he flipped the book open and pointed to a spot on the page. Opening his eyes, he read the verse under his finger. It read, "Then Judas went away and hanged himself" (Matthew 27:5b) Closing his eyes again, the man randomly selected another verse. This one read, "Jesus told him, 'Go and do likewise.'" (Luke 10:37b)
Be careful before you start misquoting the bible!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Armed & Dangerous

This morning i was once again reminded of the importance to stand firm in my foundations.

Reading from Ephesians 6:10-18, we ought to put on the Full Battle Order (FBO) of Christ, in order to stand firm in our beliefs and withstand the wily, ruthless but predictable ruler of this world.

The belt of truth - God Himself is the truth. We ought to know that He is the truth

The breastplate of righteousness - We stand righteous before our Abba Father and we can be called sons of God because we are in Jesus Christ. He remembers our sins no more

The shoes of good news - If the gospel is good news to me, then it ought to be shared to my friends, family and loved ones.

Shield of faith - It our faith that shields us from all sin and temptations, guilt and fear

Helmet of salvation - this one protects my mind, cause it is prone to think nonsense. Salvation in Jesus Christ means I'm saved and am a new creation. Whatever that is good, think about such things!

Sword of the spirit - The true, the standard, the living word that I should and must base my life upon.

I lack in many areas but in order for me to stand firm in my beliefs, or be a mature Christian, I believe this is always a good platform to fall back on.