Wednesday, December 31, 2008


I can't remember when was the last time i had a sleepover!
well the 4 of us (wanting, sharon, peter, myself) had an amazing time together watching the movie i am sam, checking out uni results, eating yummylicious supper(made by wanting's mum) and just fellowshipping with one another :) - too bad the 'luminous green man' didn't join us haha.
I didn't do too badly for my first semester, well but not too great either - Obtained a gpa of 3.86. Thank God for my friends who obtained good results too! I'm happy for them.

the nxt few days were spent in school for a campus crusade event where we were equipped to learn about street evangelism and using the tool called (WYS - what you see is not really what you will get) and i'm really amazed at how something simple as this can actually go a long way in sharing the gospel! We also had the opportunity to go to one of the halls (hall 2) to run errands for people and sharing the gospel with them. Through this whole experience, God has shown me many things about myself and also how to share with others effectively giving me the assurance at the same time that He will take care of the results.



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